Life Planner app


  • People have difficulty scheduling their health care
  • People do not have time to allocate their work accordingly.
  • People seek to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle


  • LifeBuddi is an app that works as a personal assistant, scheduling appointments for the week ahead, and a motivation mentor that keeps users focused and on track everyday – particularly at those moments of struggle.
  • The app enables users to arrange reasonable times to fit their health within their busy lives
  • The app keeps users motivated, helping them focus on the goal and persist in pursuing it
  • The app guides includes a 7-day action plan to assist /users in achieving goals step by step
  • The app includes a trainers supporting team available  24/7 to overcome obstacles and focus on goals


  • Customers have a suitable plan to both balance their work and ensure the best health.
  • Customers have access to healthy and happy training methods – in the comfort of their own home, at their own pace, and in their own way.
  • 100% of customers are happy to use this app.

Cooperate with Vinsofts

If you are thinking about designing an application for your business, do not hesitate to contact Vinsofts immediately. We are committed to providing breakthrough software solutions that will bring success to your business.